2020 Season -- New Player Zoom Information "Mtg."
May I practice without completing my sports physical?
To complete the Mitchell School District Physical you need to visit the following website: https://mitchell-ar.rschooltoday.com/viewmyaccount.
Will my Boy Scout (or other type of recent) physical work as an MHS Sports Physical?
Yes. I believe the new online MHS Sports Physical addresses this question. In addition to the sports physical, you must also answer/acknowledge a variety of health-related questions specific to parent/guardian permissions.
My physical is complete. What do I do with it?
Upload it HERE.
First two pre-season weeks seem like a lot of practices ...
The coaching staff respects our players and the heat. You can be assured that we want everyone to be in good health and will not take any unnecessary risks. Players should communicate if they feel like they need water, shade, or a rest.
We have twelve calendar days to our first game. There are no time-outs in soccer. We want to prepare our student athletes for 80 minutes of competition in summer's hottest days.
We are not trying to “weed anyone out.”
We do not cut anyone from the team.
Our training schedule follows the SD High School State policy for "Heat Acclimatization" for High School Soccer.
What about in-season training?
Once school starts, please refer to the complete event calendar in MHS KERNEL BOYS TEAMSNAP SCHEDULE. We practice both on Joe Quintal Turf Field and on grass at Pepsi Soccer Complex. The typical length of an in-season practice is 2 hours.
We have Wednesday Church night . . . ?
Once school starts, we will not have practice later than 5:30 pm on Wednesdays in respect of youth faith formation / church nights. Our earliest Wednesdays of the pre-season will be an exception to this, with practice running late in the evening. If during pre-season or in-season, a student-athlete attends church / faith formation on Wednesdays, he will always be excused if this is the reason for the conflict.
I am also in MHS Marching Band (or another activity) . . .
That’s outstanding! One of the great benefits of going to Mitchell High School is that you can participate in many different activities.
If there is a schedule conflict, I just ask that you show the maturity to let both coach/director know of your decision in advance, so he or she may plan accordingly.
In life there are many times when we have to make a decision between “a good and a good.” Weigh your obligations, courageously make a decision, and respectfully inform those involved of that decision. On my part, you will always receive a “thank you for letting me know” and my full respect and support for the decision you have made.
Is “training” and “practice” the same thing? Why do you say “training” and not “practice”?
It’s fine to understand “training” as “team practice.” In that sense, they are synonymous.
In official soccer semantics, “training” is preparation for a soccer match that occurs as a team, with all the various technical, tactical, functional elements.
“Practice” is usually considered what a soccer student-athlete does on his own to prepare to play soccer, i.e. conditioning, and technical repetitive touches on the ball.
In soccer, we assume that the student-athlete “practices” on his own time, so that when “training” occurs he has the physical condition to absorb the lessons imparted.
I am a bit nervous about being ready for High School Soccer.
I haven’t played that much in the past…
EVERY STUDENT-ATHLETE varies in their ability to play any sport.
That being understood, don’t let a fear of your inexperience keep you away from this sport. Our number one task as an interscholastic coaching staff is to PROMOTE LEARNING. Seriously, that is our top objective. It’s not winning games or creating mega-superstar athletes. Our primary task is to promote learning in the fullest development of you, the student-athlete.
Translation: By the end of the season you should have acquired a knowledge through experience about how to play the sport. (We also think you will have had a lot of fun along the way).
What should I bring to every training session?
WATER (preferably 64 oz/1400ml minimum).
SOCCER SOCKS (socks that fully cover your shin guards)
RUNNING SHOES. (commonly referred to as “flats”)
SOCCER CLEATS (commonly referred to as “boots”).
ATHLETIC SHORTS (no cargo shorts / zippers, buttons, etc.)
I am sick / feeling sick / missed school because of sickness …
You will heal faster if you let your body rest and get the nutrition it needs to overcome your illness.
As always, please exercise the maturity to inform your coach. I need to know your status. (Besides, communication to your obligation is an adult life-skill.)
If you miss school, then you CAN NOT practice nor play a game.
What color uniform do I bring to the game?
Home games are BLACK and GOLD. Away games are WHITE.
How does the team get to away games, and when do they leave?
Soccer is a South Dakota High School Sanctioned Sport. The school district provides transportation for the team’s away games.
You can find a full schedule of “departure times” at this link: Click here for the latest schedule
Does the team eat something before and after an away game?
Who pays for that?
We have a SUBWAY program that was explained during our parent-player meetings. Student-athletes are given a sub they pre-paid for and custom-ordered. This is really important for their nutrition before a game.
If you need some financial help with the Subway program, please contact Coach Novak directly.
Unless specifically stated, you can plan on “away eating costs” at the player’s expense. Usually, we will go to a fast-food restaurant(s) or if the game is in Huron (about 1 hour), we might just stop into a Wal Mart for a quick snack to hold us on the short ride home.
What’s the best way to contact Coach Novak?
You can also send an email, but if it is time-sensitive, texting is checked more frequently than my inbox.
If you need a message of email length, it is most helpful if you can help me connect with your email by a quick text that says, “Please check your email from a message from me.”
Thank you.
How can I help?
What a wonderful question and intention. Let’s connect on that inquiry. I am sure our team has a need that could use your input.
To complete the Mitchell School District Physical you need to visit the following website: https://mitchell-ar.rschooltoday.com/viewmyaccount.
Will my Boy Scout (or other type of recent) physical work as an MHS Sports Physical?
Yes. I believe the new online MHS Sports Physical addresses this question. In addition to the sports physical, you must also answer/acknowledge a variety of health-related questions specific to parent/guardian permissions.
My physical is complete. What do I do with it?
Upload it HERE.
First two pre-season weeks seem like a lot of practices ...
The coaching staff respects our players and the heat. You can be assured that we want everyone to be in good health and will not take any unnecessary risks. Players should communicate if they feel like they need water, shade, or a rest.
We have twelve calendar days to our first game. There are no time-outs in soccer. We want to prepare our student athletes for 80 minutes of competition in summer's hottest days.
We are not trying to “weed anyone out.”
We do not cut anyone from the team.
Our training schedule follows the SD High School State policy for "Heat Acclimatization" for High School Soccer.
What about in-season training?
Once school starts, please refer to the complete event calendar in MHS KERNEL BOYS TEAMSNAP SCHEDULE. We practice both on Joe Quintal Turf Field and on grass at Pepsi Soccer Complex. The typical length of an in-season practice is 2 hours.
We have Wednesday Church night . . . ?
Once school starts, we will not have practice later than 5:30 pm on Wednesdays in respect of youth faith formation / church nights. Our earliest Wednesdays of the pre-season will be an exception to this, with practice running late in the evening. If during pre-season or in-season, a student-athlete attends church / faith formation on Wednesdays, he will always be excused if this is the reason for the conflict.
I am also in MHS Marching Band (or another activity) . . .
That’s outstanding! One of the great benefits of going to Mitchell High School is that you can participate in many different activities.
If there is a schedule conflict, I just ask that you show the maturity to let both coach/director know of your decision in advance, so he or she may plan accordingly.
In life there are many times when we have to make a decision between “a good and a good.” Weigh your obligations, courageously make a decision, and respectfully inform those involved of that decision. On my part, you will always receive a “thank you for letting me know” and my full respect and support for the decision you have made.
Is “training” and “practice” the same thing? Why do you say “training” and not “practice”?
It’s fine to understand “training” as “team practice.” In that sense, they are synonymous.
In official soccer semantics, “training” is preparation for a soccer match that occurs as a team, with all the various technical, tactical, functional elements.
“Practice” is usually considered what a soccer student-athlete does on his own to prepare to play soccer, i.e. conditioning, and technical repetitive touches on the ball.
In soccer, we assume that the student-athlete “practices” on his own time, so that when “training” occurs he has the physical condition to absorb the lessons imparted.
I am a bit nervous about being ready for High School Soccer.
I haven’t played that much in the past…
EVERY STUDENT-ATHLETE varies in their ability to play any sport.
That being understood, don’t let a fear of your inexperience keep you away from this sport. Our number one task as an interscholastic coaching staff is to PROMOTE LEARNING. Seriously, that is our top objective. It’s not winning games or creating mega-superstar athletes. Our primary task is to promote learning in the fullest development of you, the student-athlete.
Translation: By the end of the season you should have acquired a knowledge through experience about how to play the sport. (We also think you will have had a lot of fun along the way).
What should I bring to every training session?
WATER (preferably 64 oz/1400ml minimum).
SOCCER SOCKS (socks that fully cover your shin guards)
RUNNING SHOES. (commonly referred to as “flats”)
SOCCER CLEATS (commonly referred to as “boots”).
ATHLETIC SHORTS (no cargo shorts / zippers, buttons, etc.)
I am sick / feeling sick / missed school because of sickness …
You will heal faster if you let your body rest and get the nutrition it needs to overcome your illness.
As always, please exercise the maturity to inform your coach. I need to know your status. (Besides, communication to your obligation is an adult life-skill.)
If you miss school, then you CAN NOT practice nor play a game.
What color uniform do I bring to the game?
Home games are BLACK and GOLD. Away games are WHITE.
How does the team get to away games, and when do they leave?
Soccer is a South Dakota High School Sanctioned Sport. The school district provides transportation for the team’s away games.
You can find a full schedule of “departure times” at this link: Click here for the latest schedule
Does the team eat something before and after an away game?
Who pays for that?
We have a SUBWAY program that was explained during our parent-player meetings. Student-athletes are given a sub they pre-paid for and custom-ordered. This is really important for their nutrition before a game.
If you need some financial help with the Subway program, please contact Coach Novak directly.
Unless specifically stated, you can plan on “away eating costs” at the player’s expense. Usually, we will go to a fast-food restaurant(s) or if the game is in Huron (about 1 hour), we might just stop into a Wal Mart for a quick snack to hold us on the short ride home.
What’s the best way to contact Coach Novak?
You can also send an email, but if it is time-sensitive, texting is checked more frequently than my inbox.
If you need a message of email length, it is most helpful if you can help me connect with your email by a quick text that says, “Please check your email from a message from me.”
Thank you.
How can I help?
What a wonderful question and intention. Let’s connect on that inquiry. I am sure our team has a need that could use your input.