TEAM SNAP - Communicate Everything -- Training & Game Schedule --- Parent Lead on Parent STRIKE Team can help you enter games --- I like to enter my training schedule myself. This is so important because we train at two different facilities: Pepsi Soccer Complex (grass) and Joe Quintal Field (turf). If training is at Pepsi, buses must bring students from MMS to Pepsi Soccer Complex. Coordinate with AD. --- On schedule I included Team-building events: Pasta Feed, "Hoof'n it to Hotcakes", Uniform Distribution & Picture Day, etc. --- Team Snap Schedule IS the communicated schedule. However, the official schedule is on the MHS Events Calendar (click here, see web page picture on left). It's so important that the MHS schedule for bus departure times, game times, locations, etc. matches our Team Snap schedule. -- Team Snap becomes the One-Stop-Shop for all information about MHS Boys. Questions When? Where? What? What to wear? should be answered through Team Snap. -- Email & Texting --- Head coach primarily and occasionally Assistant Coach and Parent Team Manager will email team and *non-players. + Key *Non-Players : AD, Athletic Trainer, AD Assistant, MMS Administrative Assistant(s), MHS Administrative Assistants, STRIKE Team Parent Leaders --- I try to keep emails to a minimum, and expected. In other words, usually an email from coach before a game to remind bus departures, eating arrangements, uniform, weather expected (rain gear, cold, etc), location. --- I use texting (called "Alerts" in Team Snap) for last minute cancellations, and when approaching home from an away game (15 minutes out). -- Roster & key player information in one place. --Emphasizing the player's responsibility to "Connect" with the team: "I don't do email" is not acceptable, and not part of advancing into adult responsibilities. -- Helping parents/guardians navigate Team Snap: FAQ and FAQ -- MHS KERNELS PARENTS & PLAYERS UNIFORM KITS -- What we wear and when (see pic on left): click here -- "THE BOYS UNIFORM ROOM" inside MHS: click here -- Uniform Distribution and Collection Days -- Laundering Game Uniforms --- I had players launder their own uniforms. They were given these instructions with their uniform kits: click here. --- Please know that MHS does have a laundry service available for laundering uniforms. For many seasons, we had games to scheduled so frequently (Tues, Thurs, Sat), I did not consider this service a viable option. But it certainly is possible. If interested, please coordinate with MHS AD. BOYS SOCCER TEAM EQUIPMENT -- Where we store it during the season at JQ: East Track Storage Room. -- Where we store it during the offseason: STORAGE ROOM Under Joe Quintal, Left of Men Bathroom. -- Pepsi Equipment: No Storage Available.* All Equipment Must Be Transported Back. (There is a white wood shed with a padlock, behind the championship field. This is where we store the large Kwik Goals (next bullet).) -- Pepsi Soccer Complex has large Kwik Goals / "Rebounders" that lean against the south fence. These stay out all season, and may have to be constructed before the season begins. -- Excel Spread Sheet Workbook SHARED EQUIPMENT (with MHS Girls Soccer Team) -- Goals & Agility Equipment -- Game balls -- Turf field (usually Weds) SCHEDULING THE TURF (Joe Quintal Stadium) & PEPSI SOCCER COMPLEX (grass) -- In late spring or early summer you will meet with MHS Activities Director and other coaches/leaders who share field -- Scheduling of the turf is done at this meeting, and will be reserved through the AD -- When Joe Quintal is not available, or team plays games on grass, you will/may go to Pepsi Soccer Complex. -- Pepsi Soccer Complex. We use Field #3, Southwest Corner Field, across from National Guard SCHEDULING A ROOM / GYM (Mitchell School District) CLICK HERE This website (pictured on left) has a button: Facility/Vehicle Reservation. Please note the website is www.mitchellkernels.com At present, the high school website is www.themitchellkernels.com SDHSAA - You need to create account with the State -- South Dakota High School Activities Association -- Click Here THIS IS THE WEBSITE HOME PAGE (see pic on left) -- Login Account (Mandatory) -- Rules Testing (Mandatory) --- You must pass a rules test every year -- Roster Finalization (Mandatory) --- You must enter your roster every year -- Heat Acclimatization Policy --- (Mandatory to know & comply) -- Reporting Game Scores (Mandatory) --- Under your specific sport (boys soccer), then schedules NFHS - You need to create account with National Org. -- National Federation of High Schools -- Click Here. (See website picture on left) -- Please note: "NFHS Learn" is website for Coaches Association and Education -- At present you will have to complete Fundamentals Coaching Course (this takes a while), Concussion (every year), First Aid (every other year), Coaching Soccer course -- These required courses may change, so please verify with AD. PARENTS S.T.R.I.K.E. TEAM (& Team Building Events) -- The experience of high school athletics is strongly enriched by parents who step up and help make the non-training and game times memorable. I have been so grateful for the generations of parents who have helped, but especially a core team that I called the STRIKE Team. -- Enrichment Events included -- National Guard Shirts (White Wednesday training)* * March or April, contact National Guard -- End of PreSeason Potluck (after last preseason training, open to families & players) -- Hoof'n It to Hotcakes (preseason Coach Event. Early morning 1.5-2.0 mile run with pancakes served in gazebo by coach) -- Subway Bus Dinner Program -- Facebook management -- Senior Banners -- Coordination of West-River Dining -- Uniform distribution / accountability -- End of regular season pasta feed -- Banquet decorating / end of year slide show END OF SEASON AWARDS & VARSITY LETTER CRITERIA -- At the end of the season, when players turn in their uniform kits, they have an opportunity to vote for season awards. All the awards are peer-selected, minus the "Spirit Award" (coaches select), and the MHS Hustler Award that is held in suspense until the Athletic Banquet in the Spring. -- For a description of the awards, a sample ballot, and an agenda for the banquet: click here. -- MHS BOYS Varsity Letter Criteria: Player must play a minimum (approx.) 80 minutes total in Varsity games for the entire season (~6min/game) -- OR -- Be a senior rostered for a second year on the varsity squad -- AND -- Not miss 2 or more games due to unsportsmanlike red card and/or academic ineligibility ** NOTE: Current policy with AD is this criteria is at discretion of the head coach. I have used this criteria for my tenure at MHS. GAME DAY RESPONSIBILITIES -- Travel: Check with AD if extra vehicles are required, and the current policy on using those vehicles -- Travel: You will be given a report of all students in academic trouble. You must identify and communicate to players who may not travel due to incomplete work or low grades. As policy may change, please confer with AD on current policy of travel/no-travel requirements. -- Travel: Buses pick up players at MMS and MHS. Please communicate this. -- Travel: Co-ed bus travel has its own policy and procedures. COVID adds to these. Again, please check with current policy. It might be necessary to assign seats. -- Travel: Equipment to take includes a) Water Coolers (filled) b) Squirt Bottles c) Travel Medical Kit with Student Forms inside d) Set of 10 balls to warm-up / cones e) Game Day Roster to hand to Referee -- Home: Please check with AD on requirements for ball shaggers, flags, game balls, COVID bench requirements. OFF-SEASON CONTACT WITH PLAYERS -- This has changed over the years. I would advise reading the relevant section in the SDHSAA policy handbook, and conferring with AD to make sure you are on the same sheet as the state requirements. SUMMER TEAM EVENTS -- At your discretion in accordance with the current SDHSAA guidelines and the facility availability as vetted through MHS administrative channels. -- I've included two different summers agenda files (2020, COVID as well where I had to limit size of training squads). These are in the right-hand column. DAILY REPUBLIC REPORTING & RADIO -- Usually following a game I send comments to the following email address: Daily Republic Sports <[email protected]> -- Before the season starts, Daily Republic will interview you, and take pictures of last years letter winners. This usually happens the first week of August. If you don't recognize the number calling in, there's a good chance its the Republic trying to contact you. -- Early in the season, KMIT will set up a radio interview. -- The AD may have additional information on media interaction or information flow. VIDEO OF GAME & HUDL YOUR EXPECTATIONS OF PLAYERS -- Please adapt to your expectations. I provide these for continuity and ideas. -- TEAM CODE OF CONDUCT -- 10 Player Responsibilities EXPLANATION OF SOCCER CREST (CIRCLE: Sword | Corn | Soccer Ball) EXPLANATION OF S.T.R.I.K.E. ON OF CORE VALUES (S.T.R.I.K.E.) & Sword Symbol TEAM HISTORY |