JOIN NOW "BUTTON": Connects you to TeamSnap "Find My Team" & Explanation how to join Team Snap. The Team Manager will need your email address to send you an invite to join "TeamSnap". See the embedded Form "I AM NEW TO TEAMSNAP" directly below.
PRIVACY: The head coach and the team manager have access to all players' information. Other than those two individuals (and of course the specific player/parent), no one else can see information. WHY? EMAIL CONNECTIVITY You will receive emails pre/during/post- season from Coach Novak or the Team Manager via TeamSnap. NEW TO TEAMSNAP? If you are new to the MHS Boys Soccer Team, then it is important that you complete the form to the left. You will be sent an "invitation to TeamSnap" via email. Please accept the "invitation" by clicking on the ACCEPT button inside the email. You will then be listed on the roster. Complete information (cell #s, emails, etc.) for your specific player. MY ACCOUNT? If you are a returning player/parent, please make sure your information is still correct. Try JOIN NOW button above. OR... You will receive emails from Coach Novak and the bottom of the email will have a LARGE BUTTON "LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT". That's also how you can access your data. STILL HAVE QUESTIONS? CLICK HERE |